*Ok. So this might not be good. Sam and his friends are giving it a try. I don't play the game, but I thought maybe to try to urge my imagination and creativity into working again, I would try as well. What you do is choose a magic card and a land card. The land is where it takes place. You can use any part of the magic card to create a story (at least that is my understanding) So first here are the cards I have chosen. The Land is marked and the other card I chose for the idea that the picture and title invoked. So here it goes.*
Mirsa had lived in the land called Agnostos Paradeisos her entire life. Her grandmother, Jolrael had discovered the beautiful place in her youth. There were exquisite mountains jetting up between lush and beautiful forest land. There was a stunning waterfall cascading from a swiftly flowing river directly in the center of the land. The mountains encircled this ideal place, leaving only one entrance, through a shadowed forest along a path speckled with sunlight. At the bottom of the waterfall was a pool, from which the river continued to flow through out the valley.
It was in the pool that the magic of Agnostos Paradeisos truly lingered. Mirsa sat near the water brushing her torrents of red hair. Her grandmother had warned her everyday for as long as she could remember to not set foot into the water. Not until the pool called to her. So, everyday since Jolrael began to tell her that Mirsa sat near the water, listening. Sometimes she would sing, sometimes she would nap in the gleaming sunlight, but more often than not, she would remind herself why she was not allowed in the calm waters referred to as the Dream Tide.
Sixty odd years ago Jolrael had been wandering the forest and stumbled upon the path which lead to Agnostos Paradeisos. She thought she had just found a beautiful place to call her home. But she had found much more. She had found in the land and in the Dream Tide a true ally. Jolrael hiked to the place where the waterfall met the pool. She began to undress so that she could bathe, for she had been walking for days. Before she could place her foot in the cool water she heard a whisper. Frightened that someone had been spying on her she pulled her nearby cloak to her body and glanced around her. No one was there. Yet she could hear the voice whispering still, though she could not make out the words. "Who is there? I demand to know," Jolrael shouted. The whisper began to grow louder, more clear.
"Jolrael, this is a place of great magic. A place where you and your descendants will be safe. Trust the Dream Tide to guide you. Bring to us your friends, let us tell you if they are true. Prove to us your trust in us, then you may bathe in the glorious waters of the Dream Tide, in the land Agnostos Paradeisos." Jolrael could hardly believe her ears, the whisper was coming from the center of the pool, and the louder it got the more ripples began to appear. It was as though something or someone dwelt beneath the water.
Obediently she re-dressed and began to walk back to the place where she had separated from her friends. They were still seated in camp, lazing about instead of preparing to move on. They seemed to have barely noticed her absence or her return. "Come with me my friends. I have found a place of great beauty where we may rest our weary tired bones in peace for a while." One man, Grogan, jumped up and began packing. He thanked Jolrael for thinking of the group and scowled at the others until they too began to pick up camp.
Jolrael lead the party down the sun speckled path to the entrance. The entire group gasped at the beauty of the land. She lead them down to the pool at the base of the waterfall, and bid them all to bathe. One by one the group sank into the refreshing water. Then suddenly they all began to drift off to sleep. The waters began to bubble and ripple around them. Jolrael again heard the voice from the water, "None but one is your ally Jolrael. They deceive you and plot to ruin you. The one called Grogan, he may stay with you, and bathe in our waters with you. But the others are not permitted, and immersing in our waters has sealed their fate."
With that, all the party members other than Grogan began to slip beneath the water, still deep in slumber. Grogan awoke with a start once they had all vanished. With the help of the whispering water Jolrael explained to Grogan what had happened. Grogan expressed great gratitude to the Dream Tide, and great love and admiration for Jolrael. The two were wed later in life and continued to live in Agnostos Paradeisos, bathing in the cool waters of Dream Tide, and trusting the mysterious and magical force which helped them, to tell them when an ally was untrue.
The Dream Tide even accepted some others into the waters, but the number was very few. Eventually after Grogan and Jolrael had children, the children were accepted. Then later the grandchildren came to be judged. The Dream Tides seemed to not be as quick to condemn the blood of Jolrael, and either eventually granted permission to enter the water or banished the person out of Agnostos Paradeisos. All but three grandchildren had been accepted. Two had been banished, and now Mirsa waited. Mirsa pulled her hair into a bun at the nape of her neck and sighed. Suddenly she heard a soft whisper, "Come to us young Mirsa, it is your time." Slowly she slid off the rock, and into the Dream Tide. The cool waters enveloping her completely. She was one with Agnostos Paradeisos and the Dream Tide at last.